While reports are still sketchy, it appears that former President Donald Trump has survived an assassination attempt which media outlets are describing as "Homicidal, But Mostly Peaceful" in Butler, Pennsylvania on 13 July.
Comrades, as this is my first correspondence as a foreign despondent correspondent, I must draw your attention to the fight that is in all those who are deprived of access to Tractor Barn #2.
https://www.facebook.com/watch/?ref=sea ... oo%20biffo
I believe I dispatched with the intended assassin in no uncertain terms. The negotiations were not arduous. I must admit, that DEI was not discussed. Denounce me, if you must. I make no apologies for defending socialist shakedowns.
Statistics: Posted by Kapitan Kangaroo Kourt — 7/17/2024, 9:52 am