Washington, DC -- The Republican Party officially announced its "Hitler-Hitler" presidential ticket this week at their national convention. The party nominated its presidential candidate for this election year as "Literal Hitler," who then promptly announced the Vice-Presidential nominee as "Hillbilly Hitler."
GOP insiders are optimistic that this "forceful duo" and their platform will easily win the election this fall, which some are seeing as a referendum on stability and decency.
Literal Hitler's Chief of Staff, Adolf Hitler, gave a brief press conference outlining the party's roadmap. Mr. A. Hitler stated "The Republican National Committee (RNC) has adopted a completely new party platform focused on fascism and the destruction of democracy. And also bigotry. And Christian Nationalism. And the destruction of the economy and the middle class. And no more affordable health care for anyone. We haven't even thought up all the great stuff we're going to wreck yet, but when we do we'll add it to the list."
Literal Hitler, sporting a new Make America Fascist Again ball cap, announced shortly afterwards, "On day 1, I intend to become a complete dictator and start imprisoning my enemies. Well, those that I can't have executed. Have a nice day, ladies of The View..."
GOP insiders are optimistic that this "forceful duo" and their platform will easily win the election this fall, which some are seeing as a referendum on stability and decency.
Literal Hitler's Chief of Staff, Adolf Hitler, gave a brief press conference outlining the party's roadmap. Mr. A. Hitler stated "The Republican National Committee (RNC) has adopted a completely new party platform focused on fascism and the destruction of democracy. And also bigotry. And Christian Nationalism. And the destruction of the economy and the middle class. And no more affordable health care for anyone. We haven't even thought up all the great stuff we're going to wreck yet, but when we do we'll add it to the list."
Literal Hitler, sporting a new Make America Fascist Again ball cap, announced shortly afterwards, "On day 1, I intend to become a complete dictator and start imprisoning my enemies. Well, those that I can't have executed. Have a nice day, ladies of The View..."
Statistics: Posted by Panem Et Circenses — 7/17/2024, 1:26 pm